The UAE is among the safest countries in the world. No small feat, the nation maintains its security by enforcing strict laws to protect public order.
A strong legal system protects the rights of citizens and residents online and offline.
Assaulting a person in the UAE could attract a hefty fine and a strict punishment, authorities have implied in a post on X (formerly Twitter).
The UAE’s Public Prosecution shared two possible cases of assault and their legal repercussions.
First, anyone who assaults the “physical integrity of another by any means and causes the assault to result in their illness or incapacity for personal work for a period exceeding twenty days” will be subject to a fine and be sentenced to jail.
However, if the assault is not as serious as stated above, then the perpetrator will receive a fine of up to Dh10,000 and can be sentenced to a year in prison.
The authority even stated that if the assault results in the miscarriage of a pregnant woman, then it shall be considered an aggravated circumstance.
This is in accordance with Article 390 of Federal Decree-Law No. 31 of the year 2021, issuing the Penal Code.