The best shows on Amazon Prime Video right now include an eclectic mix of titles, from exciting Amazon Originals to classic TV shows you might have watched as a kid. But the list is ever-changing, with titles being added and removed all the time. You never want to bookmark a show for later only to check back in a month and it’s already gone!
Save time by browsing our list of the best shows on Amazon Prime right now. All of these shows can be accessed with a base Amazon Prime subscription, no add-on channel needed. We include a link right to the watch page for the show, along with a synopsis of what it’s about so you can make the choice based on your likes and interests.
Looking for something else? We’ve also rounded up the best shows on Netflix, the best movies on Hulu, the best movies on Amazon Prime Video, and the best movies on Disney+.
Digital Trends streaming roundup
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