Renowned Yogi Sadhguru brings focus on soil as climate solution through ‘Save Soil’ movement at COP28 UAE
November 28th 2023
- Sadhguru, the renowned and world-famous Yogi, will host a series of vital panel discussions and fireside chats at COP28 UAE with leading experts at its pavilion in the Blue Zone on Save Soil movement supported by UNCCD, UNEP, UNFAO, IUCN and World Food Program amongst others
- Save Soil is a global response to the climate crisis and carries the message that soils are not merely a victim, but that healthy and living soils can be a profound solution to climate change
“Soil being alive is the most important thing because the strength of the soil determines the strength of every life.” – Sadhguru, founder of Save Soil.
The movement has made its way to this year’s UNFCCC’s COP28 to be held in Dubai from November 30 to December 10, with its own Save Soil pavilion in the accredited Blue Zone and with Sadhguru himself joining for several conversations and panel discussions.
Sadhguru will also be speaking at “The Wake Up Experience,” a World Soil Day event on December 5th organised by Impact Nest in collaboration with UNHCR that will highlight ways to address the problem of migration brought on by climate change.
Save Soil aims to highlight the message that healthy, living soils are a solution to climate change.
During COP28 UAE, Sadhguru will be engaged in panel discussions which will center on the critical role that healthy, living soils play in mitigating climate change, as well as how they can guarantee food security, enhance biodiversity, sequester three times as much carbon as living plants and reduce various forms of pollution.
Save Soil COP28 Pavilion Location: Blue Zone First Floor, Save Soil Pavilion TA2-210
The Save Soil Movement
In March, 2022, Sadhguru visited the UAE and Dubai on his 30,000km 100-day motorcycle journey for the Save Soil movement. On his journey, Sadhguru met with leaders and citizens in each country to appeal for national policies and action to increase soil organic matter to a minimum of 3–6% (based on regional conditions), which is the minimum level for soil to be healthy and thriving. This journey was aimed at creating public awareness, as it is only with people’s vocal support that nations can effectively implement soil-friendly policies. Today, the Save Soil movement has reached over 4 billion people globally.
The Save Soil movement, with inputs from eminent soil scientists, has created 7 specific Soil Policy Handbooks and catalogued sustainable soil management solutions for all 193 nations, that serve as the basis for various policy options for their respective regions.
At COP28, Save Soil aims to bring the message that healthy, living soils are a solution to climate change, further into the international agenda.
For more information:
In addition, on December 9th, Sadhguru will host a meditation programme in Dubai, with over 12,000 people expected to participate.
The programme will take place at Dubai’s Coca-Cola arena, and is titled ‘Sadhguru in Dubai – Meet, Mingle and Meditate’.
For media inquiries, interview requests, or further information about the event, please contact:
Emma on [email protected]