Those applying for a driving licence in Dubai can now now book and reschedule driving test appointments via WhatsApp, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) announced on Friday.
The service is available on RTA’s Mahboub Chatbot on 0588009090.
“The user’s phone numbers, and registered information are pre-authenticated, so there is no need to use the official application or visit the RTA’s website,” said Mira Ahmed Al Sheikh, Director of the Smart Services Department at RTA’s Corporate Technical Support Services Sector.
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“The service, which is available in both Arabic and English, is interactive. Users can schedule their driving test appointments and pay the service fees through the pre-authenticated system,” she added.
“Ongoing efforts are being made to improve the generative artificial intelligence techniques ‘Mahboub’ uses to understand natural human languages better and generate accurate responses like humans while ensuring data privacy protection with regards to digital advancements,” Al Sheikh assured.
She added Mahboub can handle customer queries related to RTA’s information, procedures, and interactive services. It has a continuous learning feature that enables it to learn from previous conversations.