WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature letting some users link their email addresses to the messaging app. The Meta-owned platform, which allows people access to the app using their registered mobile numbers, will now let iOS users log in using their email as well. Their email won’t be visible to their contacts, and the feature will come in handy when they don’t have their phone to log in to WhatsApp.
Once the email ID has been linked to the WhatsApp account, they will receive a verification code there to access the messaging app anywhere. This will be particularly helpful when network and technical glitches prevent the delivery of verification code on SMS. And while email provides an added avenue to access the app, WhatsApp will continue to use their phone number as the primary identifier.
The popular app, as part of the update iOS (via WABetaInfo), has started prompting users to add their email addresses to their accounts on the messaging platform. “Email helps you access your account. It isn’t visible to others,” reads a message on the app.
To verify the email address, the app will send a verification code, which once entered, will link the two.
How do I add an email address to WhatsApp?
First, ensure you’re using the latest version of WhatsApp from the App Store on your iPhone. Once you have installed the WhatsApp for iOS update, go to the settings and tap Account > Email address. Now, add your email address. Earlier this month, the feature was first seen on the beta versions for Android and iOS.
While the feature is already available on iOS, it’s unclear when the Android users will get it.
In another development, a Deccan Herald report said that WhatsApp was also testing a standalone messenger app for iPad. The new app will allow users to link their phone number to the iPad through a multi-device support feature.