Eight years ago, Sneha Shetty faced a near-drowning experience that could have driven her away from the water for good. Instead, she made a life-changing decision to confront her fear, sparking a journey that would not only transform her life but inspire countless others. Determined to master the water, she began her training – a choice that led her to achieve an unparalleled milestone.
Today, Sneha holds the titles of PADI Master Instructor, Freediving Instructor, Technical Diving Instructor, Program Director at PADI Swim School, and the first Indian woman to dive to a depth of 100 meters in the Red Sea. This extraordinary list of achievements makes her the only woman globally to accomplish such a remarkable combination of accolades.
At the heart of Sneha’s mission is a deep passion for the ocean and an unwavering commitment to education. As Program Director for PADI Swim School, she trains future Swim Instructors to help others conquer their fears and embrace the water—just as she once did. Known for her patience and empathy, Sneha specializes in transforming those with severe water phobias with unique techniques into confident, passionate divers. Her success rate in converting non-swimmers and water phobic individuals into divers is attracting more people in scuba diving making PADI Scuba Courses as an inclusive sport irrespective of physical abilities or gender.
Sneha’s impact doesn’t stop at diving and swimming; she’s also a dedicated advocate for ocean conservation. Through her alignment with PADI Aware Foundation, Sneha has raised funds for projects that aim to protect endangered marine species and preserve the beauty and biodiversity of our underwater ecosystems for future generations. She leads by example, driven by the belief that every diver has a responsibility to safeguard the oceans. She is also actively involved in the PADI Dive Against Debris initiative where instils the principle of making “Every Dive A Survey Dive” in her students, while personally leading teams of divers in removing harmful waste from marine environments. “More than 50% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. It is crucial that we educate ourselves about how our daily actions impact the environment and what we can do to save our only home,” said Sneha. Through the conservation-focused PADI Aware courses and clean-up dives, she is educating divers to preserve marine habitats and inspiring them to protect our oceans.
Sneha, an ex-marketeer in leading financial institutes, has now fully dedicated her time and efforts to DiveCampus Diving Club – UAE’s first concept store for ‘everything diving’ & home to the region’s largest indoor ‘Dive Tank’ made with upcycled shipping containers. Through her commitment to both the environment and building responsible diving community, DiveCampus is also the first and only PADI Eco Center in Dubai. A recognition offered by PADI to environmentally sustainable businesses,
“PADI’s core values lies in achieving balance between humanity and nature by empowering individuals and business like Sneha and DiveCampus. Sneha’s achievements are not just breaking barriers; she is paving the way for a future by driving diversity and inclusion in the dive industry and building advocates of ocean conservation” adds Firas Jundi, PADI EMEA – Regional Manager. PADI is the world’s leading scuba diver training organization.