Since time immemorial, the greatest motivator for man (and woman) has been success. It has an immense effect on one’s life. Today, our society’s notion of success boils down to name, fame, and wealth. And yes, this idea of success works — or appears to work — in the short-term. However, over the years, successful people have realised that money and power are like a two-legged stool, which will eventually topple over.
Celebrated Greek-American entrepreneur and author Arianna Huffington has spoken out about the new definition of success, one which includes “well-being” as a pillar. Through her own journey and her numerous interactions with other successful people, Huffington presents a compelling case for redefining success beyond the traditional metrics of money and power.
She feels that the people who are genuinely thriving in their lives are the ones who have made room for ‘well-being’, ‘wisdom’, ‘wonder’, and ‘giving’. And that is her advice to the world seeking to define success in their lives.
Whatever it is that the word means to you, there are a few things in common for all successful people. Entrepreneur, bestselling author and founder of Rodial, Maria Hatzistefanis shares six tips for achieving success in life, no matter how you define it.
1. It Starts with You
Wake up every day and visualise your goal. If you start each day with a positive outlook, believing that your dreams and goals are possible, then you are setting yourself up for success. Negative thoughts hinder you from taking the steps necessary to make things happen, negativity breeds excuses — what’s the point? Why bother doing that when it’s not going to help? Try every day to think of a small thing you can do to get you closer to your goals; it can be as simple as reading a chapter of a book or reaching out to a new contact. I do this every day, and I find that taking these small steps eventually leads to taking a big step.
2. Start Strong
Use your mornings to ready your mindset. Morning is my favourite time. I like to wake up early when everything is still, and I can really get my plans and intentions ready for the day ahead. I think a successful day starts with a successful morning, getting into the right mindset and feeling calm for what’s ahead. I work out only in the mornings as I find it very cathartic. You can meditate, read a few pages of a motivational book — anything to get you into the right zone.
3. Challenge Yourself
Embrace challenges, think of them as an opportunity to grow. If we are never challenged, and we live only in our comfort zone, how can we evolve? Challenges can be positive, they represent a chance to conquer something that we likely are fearful of, which is the ultimate reward. Think back to something you felt was challenging, it can be simple things such as passing an exam or taking your driving test. At the time you might have felt scared of failure and overwhelmed while putting in the work, but how amazing did you feel when you passed? Nothing tastes better than overcoming challenges.
4. Say Yes!
Say yes to opportunities and figure out the how later. Don’t let fear hold you back. Those opportunities can lead you down different paths, open new doors and help you make new connections. This is something I was guilty of. I would say no to many opportunities as I felt safer in my comfort zone. A few years ago, I was asked by a contact if I would be willing to go on to the TV show Dragons Den in Greece, which is a start-up business pitch show. My first reaction was no way, I live in London, my business is here, my family is here. Filming would take six weeks, how can I be away for that long? It was a ‘no’ from me. I discussed it with my husband, with the idea already shut down in my mind, and he said to me ‘Just do it, stop finding reasons not to do this, it could be great for you’. He told me to trust my team at work to get it done without me, and that six weeks is not forever— so I did it, flying back and forth to have some time at home and with my team, and then got back to filming. In the end, it was the best thing I have ever done, I love filming the show, I have made some great investments, and I launched Rodial in Greece while I was there.
5. Network
Get out of your day-to-day routine and attend events, conferences and any opportunity to meet new people. Every person you meet will teach you something. You never know, that one person you meet at a conference could be the person who changes your life in ways you never imagined. Always be open to meeting new people and give a great first impression. Trust me, people really do assess you within the first few minutes of meeting you and if you offer a lasting impression, this could bode well for you in the future.
6. Be patient
There is no such thing as “overnight success”. Success takes time, patience and a positive mindset. Set realistic goals for yourself. Much like dieting, there are no quick fixes, you must invest in yourself and be in it for the long haul. That way, it is so much more worth it when you do start achieving your goals.
In essence, humans are creatures of habit and like to stick to what they know. Making small, achievable goals that you can stick to is my motto and before you know it, you will look back and see how your life has transformed right before your eyes.