After enduring a heartbreaking World Cup campaign in India, Pakistan skipper Babar Azam returned to Lahore on Monday. The cricketer was spotted at the Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore, surrounded by security officials and fans. There have been clamours for Babar’s resignation as captain after Pakistan’s poor outings. A report published by Indian news agency PTI, however, claims that Babar will not voluntarily relinquish his captaincy and will wait for the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to take a call on this matter. Babar will meet PCB chief Zaka Ashraf this week and will decide about his all-format captaincy after…
Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler’s Representative in Al Dhafra Region, visited Das Island to lay the cornerstone of a new hospital and residential complex. The infrastructure expansion marks an important milestone in Adnoc’s low-carbon growth strategy as the company accelerates its efforts to deliver the maximum energy safely and sustainably with minimum emissions the world needs. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed, said: “I am proud to see the tangible progress Adnoc is making to build a more sustainable future for all. The world needs more and cleaner energy, and the UAE is leading the way. In the Year of…
Talismanic Indian batter Virat Kohli was spotted travelling economy class while flying to Bengaluru. India’s final World Cup league stage game is scheduled to take place in the southern city where the hosts will face the Netherlands on Sunday. In a video, which has now gone viral on social media, Kohli can be seen boarding an IndiGo flight. The star cricketer opted for an aisle seat and was seen interacting with a woman, sitting next to him on the flight. The cricketer was seen donning a face mask, glasses, and a baseball cap, probably in an attempt to hide his…
Monogenic diabetes (caused by a change in a single gene) affects around 3.6 per cent of those diagnosed below the age of 25 years. Genetic testing matters as ensuring the correct diagnosis impacts on treatment, recognition of associated features and follow up of family members. Around 80 per cent of cases of monogenic diabetes are initially misdiagnosed often as having Type 1 diabetes due to the young age of diagnosis. Identifying likely causes and referring for genetic testing is crucial to identify the specific gene affected as different genes have very different treatment requirements, clinical characteristics and prognosis. Types of…
Eight months after the curtain came down on a spectacular season at Meydan Racecourse, racing will return to the UAE’s flagship racecourse on Friday when it hosts its first meeting of the revamped 2023-2024 season. The bumper eight-race card which is sponsored by Dubai Racing Club’s Pillar Partner, Emirates Airline, kickstarts five months of breathtaking action on the flat for both thoroughbred and Purebred horses, that will culminate in the 28th running of the $12 million Dubai World Cup (G1) on March 30, 2024. While the old charm of racing at Meydan remains the same, the season has been re-branded…
Maybe you just need to take a break from using Facebook. Or maybe you haven’t used your Facebook account in awhile and don’t plan to in the future. Whatever your reasons, you should know that you have two clear options when it comes to doing away with Facebook. If you just need a break and will likely need your account in the future, you can deactivate your Facebook account. If you’ve moved on to greener social media pastures or just don’t need your account anymore, you can delete your Facebook account too. In this guide, we’ll go over what each…
The first-ever hybrid election to the UAE’s Federal National Council (FNC) has been a great success and reflective of the digital transformation movement in the country, a top official has said. There was remote voting from inside and outside the country. Electronic voting took place in 24 polling centres across the country. There was a large turnout from members of electoral colleges to cast their votes. Dr Mohammed Hamad Al Kuwaiti, Chairman of the UAE Cyber Security Council, noted the entire process was smooth. “It’s a great day. It’s an important system that we are actually using, which coincides with…
The Pakistan Super League (PSL) next year could be moved to the UAE or South Africa if the PCB doesn’t get the government’s clearance to host the event in February-March due to general elections in the country. The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) confirmed on Tuesday, after a meeting of the PSL general council here, that it would seek formal advice from the government on finalising the PSL-9 dates because of the general elections slated on February 8. The PSL is generally held annually between Feb 19-20 and March 20-21. There has been talk in the PCB that some officials and…
Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, on Thursday outlined the details of the National Electric Vehicles Policy, recently approved by the UAE Cabinet. The policy serves as a regulatory framework to guide efforts to align the standards for the infrastructure of electric vehicles charging stations as well as facilitate integration among stakeholders across the country. Developed by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI), the policy is an outcome of the Global EV Market transformational project. It supports the objectives of the National Energy and Water Demand Management Program that was launched to reduce energy consumption in…
Virgin Radio Dubai has an electrifying night of music in store as they announce the Australian singer and songwriter, The Kid Laroi, will perform at the renowned Coca-Cola Arena on December 8. Dubai residents can expect a night of captivating rap and heartfelt melodies from this globally celebrated artist. The Kid Laroi’s December 8 concert is bound to be a memorable experience. The Kid Laroi’s Dubai show promises some exciting surprise guest artists. Details about these special appearances will be revealed soon, so keep an eye on the Coca-Cola Arena website for updates. Born Charlton Howard in Sydney, The Kid…